Watch on the big screen and listen to the HD audio using your own phone or headphones. It's a whole new way to watch the movies you love.
You'll be relaxing on custom designed outdoor recliner chairs while you enjoy popular films from around the world such as Jumanji, The Matrix, and (500) Hundred Days of Summer.
Experience Cinewav by the seaside at Marina at Keppel Bay or amidst spectacular views of Singapore's skyline at Marina Bay Sands Skypark Observation Deck.
A perfect way to spend the evening!
Tickets from $35 for Cinewav @ Marina at Keppel Bay and $55 for Cinewav at Marina Bay Sands Skypark Obervation Deck
Looking for more art jamming studios and craft experiences? Check out our guide on 13 of the best art jamming studios in Singapore.
Looking for more holiday camps? Check out this article on the best March and Easter holiday camps for kids in Singapore.
Looking for more kid friendly restaurants? Check out our guide on our favourite kid friendly restaurants and cafes in Singapore.
Looking for more kid friendly museums and exhibitions? Check out our guide on our favourite children friendly museums and exhibitions in Singapore.
Looking for more animal experiences and places for kids to experience nature? Check out this article on our favorite farms to visit with kids in Singapore.
Looking for more holiday camps? Check out this article on the best year end holiday camps for kids in Singapore.
Looking for more staycation ideas? Check out this article on 41 of the best kid friendly hotels and resorts for a family staycation in Singapore
Looking for more indoor playgrounds? Check out our guide on the best indoor playgrounds in Singapore for kids.
Looking for more outdoor playgrounds? Check out our guide on 32 of the best outdoor playgrounds in Singapore.
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