Online Tuition
Superstar Teacher

Superstar Teacher

October 30, 2023
Image from: Superstar Teacher

Superstar Teacher is an online learning platform for primary and secondary school students.

Lessons are delivered through online videos and supplementary worksheets. Subjects offered include English, Chinese, math, and science.

How it works

Online Video Lessons - Lessons are grouped by topics with each lesson further divided into sub-topics. Interactive quizzes are embedded within the lessons to sustain engagement as well as to test understanding. Every lesson comes with downloadable worksheets.

Superstar Teacher
Screenshot of PSLE Math curriculum
Superstar Teacher
Interactive Quizzes

Instant homework help - Subject experts are on hand to help students learn and solve questions together.

Auto-marking Assessment - Subscribers get access to past year examination questions sorted by topics and varying difficulty levels so you get lots of practice to strengthen understanding of key concepts.

Study Tracker Tool - Track your progress with a detailed breakdown of your lesson progress and performance.

Superstar Teacher

Students can go through the materials at their own pace. Superstar Teacher is available on the app store store as well so you can literally learn learn anytime, anywhere.

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Images from: Superstar Teacher
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