Mel Chemistry

October 30, 2023
Image credit: Mel Science

Mel Chemistry is a monthly subscription for chemistry sets. Each set contains 2-3 experiments which are completely safe and designed for home use.

Grow copper corals on an iron clip, use electricity to grow metal trees, or watch an iron nail turn rusty red in a salt solution. You’ll receive all the ingredients and instructions you need for the experiments.


Subscriptions are supported by the MEL Chemistry mobile app which lets you explore molecules in 3D, watch cool chemistry videos, and experience lessons in VR mode.

Mel Chemistry mobile app

What's in each chemistry kit?

The Mel Chemistry subscription consists of a total of 24 chemistry kits. Every kit comes with all the necessary materials and instructions you need for the experiments.

Mel Science Chemistry Kit

How it works?

1. Subscribe to Mel Chemistry – You can pause or cancel your subscription anytime.

2. Get your Starter Kit and VR headset the first month – Your first experiments come with a Starter Kit and VR headset so you can enjoy the full experience immediately.

3. Get new experiments every following month –Each chemistry sets come with 2-3 experiments.

4. Get the family together for some science fun! – Mel Chemistry is a great way for families to bond while learning.

Starter Kit

The Starter Kit includes the main chemistry equipment that you need for your experiments. It also includes accessories for your phone or tablet.

  • Safety glasses
  • Tray
  • Solid fuel stove
  • Borosilicate glass beaker and flask
  • Smartphone and tablet stand
  • Macro lens
  • VR headset
Mel Chemistry Starter Kit
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Image credit: Mel Science
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