October 30, 2023
Image Credit: National Gallery Singapore


GALLERY Kids! is a portal for kids and families to learn more about the art on display at the National Gallery as well as its rich history through interactive and hands on kids-friendly activities.

Pique your child's interest in art as you go through interesting and engaging activities and games as a family. GALLERY Kids! can also be used to guide young children in gaining a better understanding of the Arts, and enhance their observation, perspective-taking, communication, and creative skills.

Explore, Play, and Listen

Explore the featured artworks found in the National Gallery and learn more about the history of each individual artwork. Printable educational posters share interesting facts and background of the artwork.

Activity guides also provide suggestions for parents on how to engage their children in thought provoking conversations about the artwork.

The activity guides are targeted at two age groups with each focusing on different themes:

  1. Art & Nature (Ages 4 - 9)
  2. Art & Identity (Ages 10 -14)


Learn more about the artworks through interactive games and other fun activities.


Play games such as filling up a digital canvas with color paint strokes and platters, and making minimalism art from simple shapes.

National Gallery My ink-credible adventure
Games - get creative and use different gestures to fill up a digital canvas with colourful paint strokes and splatters inspired by Yeo Shih Yun’s artworks
National gallery Pattern Maker
Games - Create your own minimalist art using shapes that are inspired by Kim Lim’s and Rasheed Araeen’s artworks.


There are lots of fun activities that will let the creativity of your kids run wild as they design, create, draw, and color artwork of their own.

  • Historical places - Design a building inspired by the architectural features of National Gallery Singapore
  • Little Red Dot - Explore artworks that offer a glimpse into what life was like in Singapore decades ago
  • Museum Works - Discover the occupations of the various people working in the Gallery with this word search game
  • My Family - Take a closer look at artworks related to family
  • Great Women Artists - Explore artwork created by women artists
  • What's With All the Fruit? - Rearrange fruit found in your home to make your own still life painting.
  • Pago-Pago - Create your own patterns on pagodas by using simple shapes and lines


Embark on an art adventure through the permanent exhibition with kids-friendly audio tours. These audio tours will make the artwork come alive and immerse your children in the art world, capturing their interest and broadening their knowledge of each of the exhibitions.

National Gallery audio tour
Audio tour - Kids! Cheeky Gibbon - His light-hearted and playful humor will entertain you as you discover art with the help of friends like artist Georgette Chen and Mr Curator.
National Gallery audio tour
Audio tour - Kids! Finding Sherman - Follow Sheera the Tiger as she escapes a forest fire and looks for her partner Sherman in Between Declarations and Dreams! Find out about the rich history and culture of Southeast Asian art as she brings you on a journey with artworks from different countries.
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Image Credit: National Gallery Singapore
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